Right to Refuse is a national campaign to help state organizations and grassroots advocates connect for the purpose of passing state laws that would protect the rights of individuals to make their own health decisions.
Click on your state to take action and protect your freedom to choose.
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State HAS INTRODUCED a Right to Refuse bill
State has PASSED at least 1 Right to Refuse bill
Right to Refuse Bill:
A PROACTIVE bill that protects the fundamental right to bodily autonomy
In 2020, the government’s response to the pandemic has shined the light on the need for protections. Right to Refuse legislation may include the right to decline government and corporate recommended health measures and treatments including testing, tracking, medical treatments, immunizations, and other recommended countermeasures.
Right to Refuse is here to help state organizations and leaders navigate the legislative process by hosting bi-weekly zoom calls for state leaders, helping to draft language, supporting advocacy through resources, and connecting local people to their state organizations.
If you have a committed group working on a Right to Refuse bill at the legislature in your state, please reach out to us at Contact@RightToRefuse.org.